Welcome to the Animal Jam Ripple!~~~Don't forget to comment!~~~Enjoy being back in school (if you can, haha)~~~I hope you enjoy your visit here!~~~September 2015

Requested Signatures are Finished HERE

Hey Jammers! The title gives it all! Here's the place to pick up your signatures! If your signature is ready and on this page, the title of the tab will say ( _______, your signature is here!) for a week. That's pretty much it! Enjoy!

Pelicanople's Signature:

I hope you like it! Yellow seemed to stand out the best, but if you want me to change it, I will!

Here's your signature Sara!

I hope you like it! It's on a more reddish sunset so I hope it's still okay!

Fauna Glamgirl, I made 3 signatures that you can choose from!

This one isn't slime-y but I thought it looked a bit  Halloween-y!

If you don't like them, tell me! I'll make something new!  Oh, and if you want to use all of them, feel free!

Pinkamina Purplina Pie's signature:

Hi Pinkie Pie! Here's your signature! It's actually my best so far, because of the Pinkies on it! Also, the computer I used didn't have the Curlz font you wanted, sorry! Here it is:

Hee hee! Hope you likey!

Elsa the Fashion Designer's Signature:
                              Hello Elsa! I just finished your signature, and I hope you like it! If you want any changes,                               just comment about it, and I'll change it ASAP. 

Click on it to enlarge! As I said, if you want any changes, either comment or tell me at school, and I'll do them! I'm just going to go make the words more in the middle, and I'll post the next one when I finish it below!

Sara's new signature! 

                            Hola Sara! I just made your new signature, with AJ on it! Here it is! I hope you like it and                             if you want any changes, just tell me!

Click to enlarge!

My signature! Yay  for me! I just made myself a new signature to show that I am a My Little Pony fan! Since my favourite it Rainbow Dash, I put R.D. on it! Here it is!

Click to enlarge!

My new signature!

This is my new signature, as of 2-24-14. 

Click to enlarge!

My new signature (again)!

My new signature, as of 6-20-14.

Click to enlarge!


  1. Yellow's perfect! Thanks so much! That was really fast! I love this!!!!!


  2. can you make me one that has a sunset in the background!

    1. Sara I saw your other comment! Check what I replied to your other comment, that's my answer! =D


  3. OMG i love it thanks a lot !!

  4. They're all terrific! Thanks!

    Fauna Glamgirl

  5. bubb000pogo can i call you bubbs anyway i LOVE ''pinkamina purpleina pie'' {gona cll her pinkie} sig. can u make me another with apple jack :} thanks!!!!!!

    PS: pinks sounds like a good nick name too

    PPS:i am still in the lead

    PPPS: at the end of the song it sounds like "i love aninal jack"

    PPPPS:blah blah blah....

    PPPPPS: made you look ......LOL.....

    1. Sure!

      PS: Yep, it does!
      PPS:You certainly are!
      PPPS: Lol but it says "I love Animal JAM"
      PPPPS: blah blah blah... to you to!
      PPPPPS: Made you look too! Lol

  6. Elsa the Fashion DesignerJanuary 11, 2014 at 8:13 PM

    Can you have Elsa from Frozen and Rarity in the background of mine?

  7. Elsa the Fashion DesignerJanuary 25, 2014 at 9:28 AM

    I LOVE MY SIGN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Pinkamina Purplina PieJanuary 28, 2014 at 5:07 PM

    Hello!!!!!!!!!! Marylynn, See-air-ah, Elsa the fashion designer, Fauna glamgirl, and Pelicanople!!!!!! I just saw my signature on your blog I lllllooooooooovvvvvvvvveeeeee it!!!!!! Thankyou!!!!!!

    PS: Do you prefer to be called Marylynn or Rainbow or Rainbow Dash or Juniper??

    PPS: Please tell me soon!:)

    PPPS: I like the songs!!

  9. hey I LOOOOOOVE the sig! thanks a lot!


Comment Away! But still, there are rules you have to follow!

1) No personal information should be asked or said- I will delete those comments!
2) No swearing.
3) Be nice!
4) Stay on topic!
